But there's more that I didn't know about then, and it is worth saying. That is, after reading around, and observing the pattern of political pronouncements over some time, I have come to the conclusion that this depression is deliberate. It has been purposefully engineered for a reason.
I used to think that conspiracy theories, whilst amusing, were unrealistic. Surely someone would blow the whistle out of spite, or for money, or some such? But now, I'm not so sure. People who blow whistles can be made to disappear, after all - assuming anyone listens to them, and assuming anyone reports them: and the media do not report them: you have to seek them out.
Firstly: how can a depression be engineered? It is easy, if you are in control of the world's economies (in other words, the banking and political systems). You discard Keynsian economics and adopt that of Friedman and Hayek instead. Market forces are made supreme and deregulation rules. As a result of deregulation, the banks can make dodgy loans. Inevitably, because there is short-term money to be made, they will: history has shown how this works many times in the past - 1929 was only the most recent and it happened in much the same way. Clearly, with the historical record to guide them, people who wanted to engineer this depression
OK: perhaps they could have, but did they? And what for anyway?
I think the purpose of it, looking at recent pronouncements after the G20 meeting and otherwise, is to introduce, step by step but nevertheless quite quickly, the "New World Order" described by George Bush Sr in 1991 and others (including Gordon Brown). This appears to involve a single world currency - currently being spoken of as a "supercurrency" or a "new world reserve currency to replace the dollar". So what? Consider the case of the Euro. Europe is in depression now, and Italy is suffering badly - but because its currency is no longer the Lira, they don't have any control over it. They can't devalue it, or take other such measures to boost their economy. Their new currency, the Euro, is in the hands of bankers in Germany. And it doesn't suit them to devalue the Euro. Furthermore, in the new European Constitution, which although voted down by the populace of Europe was implemented anyway as a bunch of separate statutes so that no further consultation with the people was required, it states that these bankers are to determine interest rates and so on
You can be certain that a global currency will be run in the same stupid and undemocratic way. Countries that join such a currency will have lost much of their sovereignty at a stroke. That appears to be part of the purpose of it. Certain people, presumably bankers, want total control of the world. And, not in a democratic way.
Why are our leaders signing over to it - and clearly they've been moving us in this direction for decades? They are bought and paid for. They see themselves as part of this future ruling elite, I think.
Here are a couple of videos to watch. The first is a bit lurid, but it summarises the idea. And as for microchipping the population, well, it could happen. And wouldn't it be interesting if the prophecy in the biblical Book of Revelation about the Mark of the Beast turns out to be correct? How does one survive without being able to buy or sell? Especially in an urban environment. Remember, the prophecy also says that anyone accepting the mark will not be saved. The Beast will rule the world for a short time only, (maybe up to 3.5 years) if that prophecy is correct.
Video: New World Order
The second video is an interview with David Icke. Yes, the madman who thinks the world is ruled by lizards from another dimension. However, lizards or no, the rest of what he says fits the pattern of what is happening today. Trust me - it is worth watching. It is a long video - 2 hours or so.
Video: David Icke Interview
A few more words about the microchipping idea. If
I'll think about that and maybe put some more info here if I can come up with any. In the meantime, if you have another two hours to spare (!) this video, Zeitgeist, is also worth watching if you want to see how the conspirators mislead us. If you are not familiar with this information, you may find it shocking and in part, blasphemous - and a bit boring near the beginning, but stick with it, it soon livens up. It covers the 9/11 incident, the banking conspiracy, and more.
Video: Zeitgeist
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