Sunday, May 02, 2004

Well, the local estate agents weren't up to much, so the house is up for auction on Wednesday (5th May). I hope it sells then I can release all that dosh and pay some stuff off.

I got the loan, £25,000 from my bank, and I am working as a minicab driver in London to try and get some income. Not that cabbing is working very effectively so far, but I am hoping that as I gradually learn various "routes" around London cashflow will improve as I can do each job more readily. Business has been better the last couple of days, but maybe that was just because it was raining and people couldn't be bothered to hang around for the bus. The car is going OK, although I have scraped it a few times (not with passengers in it, and not against other cars). I will get used to driving it eventually, I suppose. Prior to this I have only driven on odd occasions; this is the first time I've been driving in earnest (that's the name of the car - hehe). I must be doing around 75-100 miles per day. I'm not working the cabbie's usual 12-hour shift: that seems too tiring and I would rather stop when my concentration begins to flag - after about 7-9 hours, typically.

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