Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Speaking of lonely-hearts ads, my next attempt to use an affiliate programme to add to my income has just gone online. After the success of, which is making about £130 a month net profit, I thought I'd try another. This one is an online dating agency, I'm keeping registration prices low at the moment since there are so few members yet, and maybe permanently, depending on how the economics works out. So, if you're single and need a partner, why not give it a try?

One thing about both of these sites: they cost me money to set them up, and on my money page I say that I don't like schemes where you need to pay up front to join. Is this a contradiction? I'm not sure. These sites qualify on the basis that there is a genuine product, not just sales nonsense or copyright text for sale. As genuine businesses, some set-up costs are to be expected. It is not the same as a "pay to join" or "pay me for this great info which I am not going to tell you anything useful about until you cough up" sort of thing.

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