Saturday, May 12, 2007


Well, I haven't done any writing today... it is the weekend and I feel like a bit of a rest. For today, anyway. However, that doesn't mean I have been doing nothing. I have been thinking that maybe I might add more links to my blog... links to things of interest to me, and maybe to you too... After all, I surf the Internet a lot, and I read a lot, so why not do something with all that 'activity' (for want of a better word)?

So... First up... how observant are you? Try watching the colour-changing card trick... (video) - tip: watch it to the end!

Next, I have been thinking about economics and all that lately. Currently I am reading Hernando De Soto's "The Mystery of Capital" in which he reckons he may have hit upon the reason why capitalism works so well in the West and so badly for the other 80% of the world. His answer, in a nutshell, is property rights - people who can't obtain proper legal title to their home can't get loans or investment to start businesses. Plus, of course, bureaucracy in much of the world is ridiculously cumbersome, slow and expensive. He has set up the Institute of Liberty and Democracy to assist governments in implementing the political and legal reforms necessary to get things moving.

Finally for today - I have been thinking about how I might make my fitness regime a little more interesting. But I don't think I'm going to try this: free running or parkour (video).

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