Thursday, February 15, 2007

17.2% and Counting

Well, even though I haven't written anything for the last few days (I have been planning and... er... procrastinating (a little)), today, the plans having been made, I wrote a whole load and have now done 17.2% of my estimated 60,000 words.

We shall see what tomorrow brings. I still have to complete this planned scene. I am not sure what will follow. The current scene is one that doesn't appear in the current version of the script and I have not decided whether I need to add another, or maybe even more, at this point. Such extras are tougher to plan than the normal ones of course since the script has been worked on for years already, whereas my extra bits are completely new. But in the book I can include extra detail and characterization that there isn't necessarily time for in a movie.

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