Monday, January 15, 2007

The Main Character

Over the last few days, I have been a bit confused about the current scene. There are lots of factors and influences to cover - it could really be at least two scenes, maybe more. In the end, I have settled for concentrating mainly on Katherine - Ekatherina - she is after all, the main character! Everybody else is basically peripheral. They will therefore go out of the picture and back in again as required, with just a brief explanation of their activities. That will do.

There will be some written from the point of view of her mother though, possibly. It is probably some forbidden practice to switch viewpoints from one character to another within a scene, but I plan to do it anyway. Sometimes, I think it is the right thing to do. Besides, there are certain points in the scene when it can happen quite naturally. I see it as the written equivalent of cutting from one camera to another in a movie. It may require a little bit of mental agility on the part of the reader, though, if I do it too precipitately. But I won't. ;-)

At the moment, as you may surmise, I am writing about Katherine as a child. How did it all begin?

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