Friday, January 12, 2007

Research Done...

Right! Research done, for the moment, conflicting information rationalized or explained away (but not really resolved), and back to the writing. I did a bit of revision of what I had already written and then added a new paragraph of the next scene.

A paragraph may not seem like much, but really to write anything of this story requires a lot of background information. I was busy checking facts all over the place as I went along (things like, what's the Latin form of this person's name (since I had only seen it in its more modern form)? Where exactly should this scene happen? And so on). At least in the 21st century one can check one's facts on the Internet. Fancy having to go to the library all the time or something! It would seem impossibly arduous. Or slow, anyway.

Shall I write over the weekend? Actually, I might. I was researching more during the week and writing less.

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