Friday, January 05, 2007

More Writing Stuff

No writing today... I have had too much other stuff to do. Besides, Celebrity Big Brother was on the TV this evening... Rubbish? Well... yes and no. I like the show because watching it is not a passive exercise, unlike most TV: once you get into it, you have to use your social brain to work out the relationships and who's going to back-stab who, who likes who (and who I like), and so on. And it isn't all fiction, limited by some writer's imagination. Not that the contestants usually have much imagination either, of course...

I am probably not going to write over the weekend either. I don't want the book to become a chore that I must buckle-down and do every time I have a moment. If it is to be the best it can be, I need to enjoy the process: it needs to be fun. I think. No guilt and fretting allowed. This will also speed it up, paradoxically. Human nature is such that if something seems unpleasant, or I make it seem so by worrying about it, then it naturally becomes more difficult to do as my emotions try and get me to avoid whatever it is that is worrying me. The result: procrastination. And, more worry and loss of self-esteem in a vicious spiral. So, I must nip such thinking in the bud, or at least, as soon as I notice it.

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