Saturday, January 27, 2007


Yesterday rather than writing more, I went back over some of what I had already written to see what might need a bit of clarification, and to decide on some names for certain hitherto unnamed characters. Nevertheless it ended up with a couple more hundred words somehow, taking it over the 6000 words mark. I imagine therefore that I may have written some 10% of the novelization by now in that case, as 60,000 words is OK for a novel, just about. My feeling is that working to a script will tend to make the novelization short, since the plot of a movie cannot be too complicated. I am pondering this in the background: how much can I add? How much will characters' thoughts change things? I don't know. For now, I am inclined to just plough ahead, and maybe I will have to do some heavy revision later. Getting something down is, I think, the most important thing for now.

Today, I did no writing or anything, really, except watch all four episodes of Terry Jones' Barbarians, which is relevant to certain parts of the story. A friend read my coffee grounds (like reading tea leaves, but using Greek coffee) and told me I would reach my goals with slow and steady steps, or something along those lines, and that I was admired and trusted by many people and I deserved to be too. So there. ;-)

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